The Constant, Unavoidable Question…

…”Sooooo, when are you having another baby?”

<insert eye roll>  Am I right?

As I was sitting here minding my own business, watching Laguna Beach reruns for the umpteenth time, I get a random text from an old friend asking when I was going to give Saylor a sibling.  Seriously?!  No “Hi! How ya doing?!” first??!!  Shoot straight, why don’t ya?

I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked this since Saylor has been born.  She just turned 3! Give me a break!  One thing that I learned from becoming a mom is that what you thought and planned when you were younger, goes out the window.  2 year age gap sounds perfect right?  The thought of getting and being pregnant when Saylor was barely a year old soon became comical to me.  I couldn’t imagine!